
Combating Deemak Infestation in Lahore: Confronting the Silent Threat

  Lahore, the cultural hub of Pakistan, is celebrated for its rich heritage, historical landmarks, and vibrant lifestyle. However, alongside its splendor, the city faces a persistent and formidable adversary known as "deemak" or termite infestation. Deemak infestations have emerged as a pressing concern in Lahore, as these inconspicuous destroyers pose a significant risk to both historical and modern structures. In this article, we will explore the challenges associated with deemak control in Lahore , the existing measures in place, and potential solutions to combat this pervasive menace. The Growing Challenge: Termite infestations have witnessed an alarming rise in Lahore, primarily due to the city's tropical climate, high humidity levels, and the prevalence of wooden structures. Deemak, notorious for their insatiable appetite for cellulose-based materials like wood, clandestinely infiltrate residences, offices, and historical buildings, causing extensive damage over tim